Working as superheroes.

Throughout the week; continuous reports came out about multiple politicians, from multiple parties and groups in Farlong.Like: the deputy mayor of Chillbring county, Police commander of Chillbring county and the vice governor of Farlong state.Rumors spread of Brightman going crazy cleaning out all the evil he could find and spreading this information to the media/rest Working as superheroes.

Brightman thinks and overthinks.

While flying throughout the night sky; Nightknight passes through the fog and mist, with a twisted and overbearing cape following like devil wings.A bright flash, white feathers fall along the wind currents; Brightman with six world changing wings stretching out of his back flies after Nightknight.They land on a skyscraper belonging to C-TV; Nightknight releases Brightman thinks and overthinks.

Normal superhero days.

While following the strange senses of Nightknight; Brightman and Nightknight find the base of some gang.Drug dealing, weapons smuggling, kidnapping and murder; one of the worst and most evil gangs they have found in recent years.A black armored Nightknight and a white armored Brightman stands atop a building looking down at the gangs base of Normal superhero days.

Going out at night.

Speeding along vertically up the Leon tower, untouched by the laws of gravity, the night belongs to creatures like them, superheroes and monsters.Sometimes the line between superhero and monster is paper thin, often its just a choice of morality.Atop the Leon tower; Nightknight in his evil black knight armor standing 2.15 meters tall, with a Going out at night.

Tired but safe.

Charlotte, in her pajamas resting against Chad, safely tucked away in between Chad and David.A man walks up, worried but smiling slightly: Charles Leon, the father of Charlotte.Charles having shown up thanks to a text message from David, telling him to: pick up his daughter.And after taking a cute picture where Chad and David pretends Tired but safe.

Charlotte’s place.

Standing in front of an impossibly tall building, Leon tower AKA the Leon corporation. The jewel of Farlong state; Farlong is sometimes called Forlong or Eternal city.And inside this skyscraper like building, there are three entire floors dedicated to Charlotte’s family, one and a half of those floors are for their private laboratory.The father to Charlotte’s place.

Myrgot’s place.

Behind tall concrete buildings, hidden amongst civilization is a twisted old wooden building.That looks straight out of a fairy tale, looming over those that stand close enough.Faintly slanted building, crooked foundation, unkempt garden with dried and dead plants and trees.Creaking noises escape the pained olden building standing 6 and a half floors tall.And a black Myrgot’s place.

Late introductions, sorry.

School continues; Chad is copying homework and is astounded that he does not even recognize where they are at in the book.Not remembering what their homework assignment was yesterday and blindly trusting in David, he copies his work.Chad Smith has a secret identity as a superhero AKA Nightknight, a moon moon joke, named by David Late introductions, sorry.

Just another “normal” day.

September 15th at Forlong private school; entering the classroom, Chad saw David slumped over his desk tired, maybe a little depressed.(Chad:)”Yo David, great work yesterday!” Chad being as happy go lucky as ever, greets David.(David:)”How do you call THAT great work?” He seems annoyed by Chad’s simple thought process.(Chad:)”We saved the day, that is all Just another “normal” day.