There has been mentioning of an amulet for Alexander, one which Chad promised to make during the infamous game night conversation.
An Amulet containing a few key supplementary ingredients like a scale off of Chameleon’s butt, blood of Chad and countless blessings from powerful creatures…
If you want the exact list that Alexander gave Chad then here: 1A droplet of Chad’s blood enchanted with powers from the name Solagarmr. 2A scale from Charlotte’s butt(which is the most effective for some reason, don’t question it). <- he did end up questioning it… kind of.
3A blessing from David in his name and in the name of Lusia(so David does two blessing with two names, don’t question it). 4A blessing from Gaia for life/earth/humanity. 5*A blessing from Hel for underworld/hell/humanity.
The list is not massive, it seemed quite easy for a magic amulet recipe… even though it was just a supplementary material recipe it included the blessings from two gods.
And not just any gods, pretty much the two strongest ones according to Alexander’s understanding… or at least from earth/humanity’s perspective.
The two gods most worried and active in caring for humanity and its fate, the ones behind the crazy developments of superhuman destinies.
It was probably not mentioned along with all the other crazy things that were mentioned, but Alexander gave a lesson on fate/destiny on the infamous game night.
And he shortly went over the actions and magic of these two in forming a destined chaotic force pushing superhumans towards growth and training…
Yeah that conversation is going to haunt this book and its future for all of eternity… I could not… I did not stop Alexander.
Back to the amulet, Selina had no impact on its creation; no material from her, no hair, no blood, no curses… she felt a little sad about that.
But of course Alexander does not want her insane blood or fate anywhere close to this amulet as she would either break it or change it and make it useless…
Or useless for what he needs it for, it would probably be an insanely strong magic item if it included her blood, but it would not do what he wanted or needed.
It could probably become a strong planetary level defence amulet or something, but that means little in the grand scheme of things… yup the future is that fucked.
This amulet also contained no material from Cassandra for similar reasons, Alexander comforted her later saying he can make one himself with her blood or hair in it for something else.
So they agreed on him making a magic amulet using some supplementary ingredients from her… for reasons… actually no reason, he just wanted to comfort Cassandra.
And she just wanted to be helpful… Yes I know, they need to be together, but I can’t force them can I!? Even author is already losing his mind over their relationship.
And again back to the amulet, let’s not mention what just happened. For some reason there was no material from Nyarai in the list.
Which was not questioned or anything, Nyarai did not care to butt in, she thought her opinion on such matters are of little worth.
Plus the fact that she is not a kid worrying about being left out from the fun stuff, she does not care about such small things.
She worries about the mental age and sanity of Alexander, who supposedly is fourty-ish and “human”… but also an eldritch being or a fourth dimensional lifeform and maybe from the future.
Even though him being from the future has been ruled out by him lying, she feels that this man is strange enough to go past their senses.
There is a possibility that he can lie to them and they can’t know, or he can tell the truth and make it seem like he is lying.
Which is why she takes all that he says with a grain of salt, but it seems that Chad and David does not do this and she does not know why.
Are they that confident in being correct, in seeing through him? But then why does it seem that he at any turn defeats their world view or mental stability?
Either way Nyarai worries about these people a lot and Alexander seems… awesome. But also unstable, powerful and terrifying.
Even though he is caring to a point where there might not be another mortal man being his equal, she worries that he does not protect himself well enough.
That he does not care for himself enough, she feels that there is a suicidal and insane will inside of him letting him sacrifice himself for others.
One that she has faintly felt from Chad in some conversations, one that she assumes that David also has, but he mentions it much more casually than others…
Not that mentioning it casually makes him less serious about his words, anybody who knows David knows how serious this guy is about ALL of his words.
So yeah, life is strange and crazy for these people in ways that functioning humans in a superhuman-less world would not be able to understand or connect with.
At least Alexander now has some sort of protection, some sort of backing to handle this crazy way of life in this crazy world.
Though after getting the amulet Alexander would stare strangely at it for hours at a time, this thing contains way too much power for his small skills.
This thing could probably block a lot of nukes if it was enchanted correctly, but it was not meant to be used in such a way.
But knowing Chad it probably has too many functions, features and upgrades; this thing could probably do things that would shock the magic world.
Yeah… Chad has a habit of overdoing his magic crafting/enchanting, which is great for all those that get stuff enchanted by him.