Hellbitch continues down an infinite hallway just hoping for and end… yes she is actually doing that, Chad could not convince her to stop.
After what seems to be hours and having walked a distance around the earth multiple times, even Chad does not understand how Selina is doing some of these things…
It looks like she is just casually walking down the infinite hallway, but in reality she is soaring past the horizon at an incredible speed.
He estimates that her speed is faster than a rocket when she seems to be just walking… witchcraft is bullshit. <- Chad’s opinion.
A crack appears in the hallway as Hellbitch casually walks forward, space and time bends, but not in a way that can inconvenience Hellbitch, it seems to almost respect her…
Chad is just staring slack jawed at Selina doing things that he has no idea of how it works… he almost feels like what David has said about magic is true… it is just bullshit.
(Chad:)”Did time and space just kneel in your presence, did it just greet you?” Chad asks, but he knows that Selina definitely does not know what happened.
(Selina:)”Is that what happened? Can time and space even be respectful? Are you messing with me? …Chad?” Selina appears confused and Chad feels his brain stop working.
Ignoring the stupid witch that just got kissed by time and space, Chad can’t hold his annoyance back with her ignorance sometimes… like WTF did she just do?
Even he, who can travel through time and change the timeline if needed does not know WTF just happened… and she definitely does not know what world breaking things she did.
Chad suddenly feels like he can’t be left alone with this terrifying creature, so he calls up David super quickly and has him as support.
So while Hellbitch was walking around talking to herself or to some person named “Chad”, David appeared inside of the mind connection secretly without Selina’s knowing.
After getting an update that made David’s skin crawl, the two godlike heroes stare at the creature known as Hellbitch or Selina… she is terror incarnate.
Noticing that David has somehow appeared inside of the connection without her knowledge, Selina complains about how Chad called her a monster for breaking a magic hallway.
She was promptly called a monster by David too… Selina stopped caring about these two meanies and continued her work/livestream.
After walking past a lot of witchcraft traps like: Troll potion sprinklers, Infernal insanity flowers(lust), Mirrors of pain… yes they are called that.
A simple explanation to these traps are: Troll thingy turns you into a troll if any gets on you, which a lot of witches who care about their looks would not dare touch(uncurable-ish).
Infernal insanity flowers(lust) are what you can expect, a trap that releases spores that make you real “thirsty”… yup, just that, a weakness to some witches in the Black family.
Mirrors of pain show you the past present and future, pieces of all the torture that you and your closest has gone through, horrible for those with dark fates… everybody in this family.
Hellbitch is immune to a lot of things, potions have little to no effect on her as long as she focuses her powers, lust matters little when she is borderline an arch succubus…
And the mirrors of pain has one problem and that is they also show things about David and Chad… and instantly break when they try to do that… so, useless against her.
David and Chad are eating popcorn and snacks while watching this craziness, these traps are very specific against members of the Black family.
They would also work wonders on many other people, but they are still way too focused on psychic/soul damage, meaning some people are immune to all of the traps.
After Hellbitch skips along a dark and damp underground stone passage, one which would put fear in the hearts of many superheroes.
Hellbitch starts whistling some tune like she normally does while Chad and David does not know whether she is taking any of this seriously.
GRAAAAAAaaaaaurrrrrrr A roar reverberates throughout the underground stone passage in response to the noise that Hellbitch made, Hellbitch stops in her tracks.
What would be expected at this point is for the pretty superheroine to stop in fear and wait for the emergence of this unknown beast… but no, not Hellbitch.
She appears ecstatic, she knows what beast this is, she recognizes the sound of its roar; it has to be a Varfenklump, a type of infernal “dog” beast…
As a massive red and purple skinned behemoth appears at the end of the hallway, chains of abyss iron pierced through its body, a head that looks like a mushed goat head with wolf ears.
Three massive arms and four long legs, one arm at the center of its back and two sticking out at the sides of its face…
a creepy monster in the eyes of most, but a cute creature for some… Hellbitch has issues. Looking over at this flesh pudding run towards her, Hellbitch does not flinch.
As the beast is about to crash into her Hellbitch whistles and the beast stops at an unnatural pace, it seems that none of its weight matters when it stops.
The Varfenklump purs at Hellbitch as she happily pets the insult to all life, Chad and David stare at this scene in disgust.
Not that they can’t handle its ugly look, but seeing Hellbitch happily petting this freak of nature who happily wiggles and purrs in strange horrible ways.
It is an image that neither wanted in their heads, they also did not want to hear Hellbitch’s baby/pet talk. (Hellbitch:)”Who is a good girl? You are, you are!”
The beasts seems to have no pride as it is happily pet by Hellbitch… this is a sentient creature from hell, like it can speak… but WTF is this?
Knowing that this beast has way too many strange and horrible thoughts while being petted is probably where most of David and Chad’s horror comes from… it is a pervert!