The rest of the girls prays for Goblinknight who asked something that nobody wants to hear out loud, the too REAL answer Alexander will give.
(Alexander:)”Well, you are bisexual right? But you only have a little experience with George and Daniel… but neither of those two should ever be considered a normal experience…
Not like what you have experienced would even be considered anything from an adult’s point of view, but it is at least further than Hellbitch.”
Goblinknight stares in horror at Alexander, or that is at least what those that can’t feel her mind or soul thinks. R.I.P Goblinknight.
And what was with that last shot fired at Hellbitch why the friendly fire? Hellbitch hides her face, she is too inexperienced… or she also lacks normal experiences.
The table goes quiet. (Chameleon:)”So we are all romantically challenged?” Alexander freezes. (Alexander:)”Do you want the truth?” Chameleon facepalms with the obvious answer.
After a while of calming down they return to the topic of Enchantress and Fool. (Chameleon:)”Wait, why don’t you just ask Alexander? He should know who Fool is.”
Enchantress and the group looks at Alexander who suddenly sits straight. Alexander spends a couple seconds pondering how to answer, but he realizes that he can’t.
(Alexander:)”I support you, but I am not telling you who he is. That is between the two of you, just charge forward with your normal confidence and you will win in the end.
When it comes to the identity of you guys, I will not give it out to anybody; this includes sharing information about you guys to other superhumans…
For your own safety and the world’s.” And as he speaks the world’s fate shakes a little, Enchantress noticing this and flinches in discomfort, but it was not too much.
The rest noticing her expression, but just consider it to be her feeling bad about not getting to know her mystery childhood friend’s identity.
(Hellbitch:)”OK, you are not going to tell his identity which I respect as I hope that you would not tell people mine either, but you can still help with your knowledge.”
The rest of the group nod realizing too that they don’t want their identities revealed; Goblinknight feeling a little odd from realizing that this guy definitely knows her identity.
(Goblinknight:)”Do you know the identity of the people around this table and not just mine? And how do you know mine? Did my identity get revealed when I was introduced?”
The rest of the superhumans flinch a little from her words, but Alexander flinches a little from the last part she mentioned. Fiona Mock… this girl is just too much.
(Alexander:)”I am not going to MOCK you, but I do know all of your identities; and if you want to know why, then my excuse is that I am from the future.”
He puts emphasis on MOCK as it is her last name and she picks up on this and panics a little internally; the rest are weirded out by his “excuse”.
Reminding Chameleon, Hellbitch and Cassandra about:”Can be considered to be from the future for simplicity’s sake”. <- This is a bullsh*t excuse.
Enchantress finally realizing why talking to this man shakes her mind so much and shakes fate so much; this man changes fate when he speaks and breathes.
(Enchantress:)”That is quite relieving to know, so you knew from that and not me acidentally letting someone know.” (Alexander:)”Yes, none knows your identity… except Fool.”
(Enchantress:)”So do I end up with Fool in the future?” The group stare at Alexander who freezes again. (Alexander:)”Umm…” And then nothing, he actually does not answer.
Enchantress stares in shock at this man who confidently tells her to chase Fool when she does not end up with him in the future, WTF!?
(Alexander:)”That is a difficult answer, fate changes and I have changed many things… But there is a deep connection between you guys, the strongest connection I know of…
But you guys do not end up together… but you really should…” He seems to mutter the last part, but all around can hear; this romance story does not seem to end nicely.
(Hellbitch:)”How strong connection do they have, why do you seem to think they should be together if they did not actually do so in the future?”
(Alexander:)”Amongst all the superhumans on earth, they have the strongest bond; this is not something casually said, even heaven and hell will break before this bond.
Amongst the myriad gods, some superior some inferior; some evil gods serving Nightknight and others, this bond can scare them all, no GOD would or can underestimate it.”
He says extremely seriously, the girls have wide eyes including Enchantress who usually never has any reaction, but this guys just shook the world’s fate HARD.
After some time where they regain some sanity, Enchantress appears like she has a migraine; Alexander appears worried for her and Cassandra is shocked by her partner’s knowledge.
(Enchantress:)”Do you have to shake the world when you speak?” Alexander flinches and thinks:”What did she say I did?” Enchantress notices the confusion and stares at him in shock.
(Enchantress:)”You do not know? …Sometimes I wonder whether the moon would still be the here after you speak, if fate could have physical properties the moon would be shaken to dust…”
Alexander freezes for probably the third time this conversation. (Alexander:)”I-I have that much effect on fate just from speaking?” Enchantress nods while grimacing.
Alexander goes wide eyed staring off into the distance. (Alexander:)”Sorry, Enchantress, Nightknight, Brightman and whoever else who was affected.”
Alexander has some tears at the edges of his eyes remembering the shocked faces of Chad and David when he spoke accidentally of some things…
The girls notice him almost crying and panic, while Enchantress continues talking. (Enchantress:)”So it was you who shook the fate of Farlong some time ago at 19th November.”
Chameleon, Hellbitch and Cassandra realize this is the day they met at Tomhall mall and talked… Alexander seems to have done something crazy and only some realized it… Chad and David.