Mysterious guests!?

The party continues, though this party does not go completely off the rails like others will.
Parties like this are dependent on what bullshit the host accepts; Chloe will not have a full crazy party, she will not accept that much bullshit.
Others that are not as powerful/confident as her, might be pushed around by their own guests and peer pressured into letting things go off the rails…
But as Chloe and her friends are still young freshman; they are still a little childish in their partying ways.

At some point through the night Jessica disappears, who knows where she could have gone? Chad knows and is unsure what to feel about it…
Charlotte has been much more social with the popular girls this day, all thanks to Chloe and her getting along so well.
Which has been leaking over into her interactions with the other popular girls as they are trying to be more into whatever Chloe is into for today.
David is oddly getting along great with Chloe, who would have know that they are booth mega nerds? EVERYBODY does.
Though that was not really odd, but how chill David was with Ashley and Stacy was odd; when they finally take some time to nerd out, David is super cool.
He talks so smoothly, he is a great story teller; he makes whatever he is talking about seem interesting just from how much he loves it.
It even went so far that Stacy and Ashley might consider playing Dragons and castles sometime in the future with them. Damn David, damn.

The party went great, not much problems, but that also means not much drama; which is sad for the drama hungry teenagers.
Or at least that is what it would have been if not for the appearance of some MYSTERIOUS GUESTS!… that politely rang the doorbell/gate bell.
Chloe went to see who would ring the bell instead of just entering the party, maybe it is some uninvited people…
Standing at the gate Chloe notices… some uninvited people. Steeling her heart she walks forward to the happily waving Joker.
(Joker:)”Hia, great party. Is it yours?” (Chloe:)”Yes, what are you- guys doing here?” Noticing mid sentence more clown-troupe members behind the walls as she speaks.

Swindler and Scammer holding sticks, crouched down and poking something, probably bugs; Kingclown elegantly leaning against a light post adding a dramatic flare to his surroundings.
Charlatan standing close by, with his hands rubbing each other appearing like a desperate businessman; Jester is casually sitting on the road fence, looking both elegant and depressed.
Fool is casually poking Vilemime who is tied up to some light post and is shaking soundlessly, Fool seem quite pleased with Vilemime being tied up.
Trickster is walking over in the back, seemingly complaining to Enchantress about something, having arrived later than the others.
Kingclown cooly steps up to the gate and stands in front of Chloe. (Kingclown:)”We have come to entertain, this is a party is it not?”
Joker screams YES and something about having her joke book ready and Chloe is not sure what to do, Stacy having appeared behind her and being a good friend/event planner.
(Chloe:)”This is a party…” (Kingclown:)”Good, we are a clown-troupe we have much business to attend to with parties.” Another YES coming from Joker, who is celebrating in the back.
Chloe seems unsure, but Fool steps in close. (Fool:)”Kingclown, they probably reserved another troupe.” Kingclown seems shocked. (Kingclown:)”Is there a troupe better than us?”
Fool goes silent for a second until… (Fool:)”Is not every troupe better than us?” Kingclown goes quiet, before saying in not his normal jovial tone, but an odd serious tone of voice.
(Kingclown:)”I did not want to be aware of such a reality.” Enchantress walks up seeing Kingclown and Fool not entering the premises clowning/fooling around.
So she elegantly walks up to Chloe and hands her their invitations and Chloe looks shocked that somehow they have invitations. Did Enchantress make these with her magic…
The rest of the clown-troupe look at Enchantress who is way more capable than their leader Kingclown, even Kingclown is in tears from her great help… he is over dramatic some times.
(Chloe:)”Come in…” She almost mumbles and the clown-troupe walks past her and nods at her while walking past her.
There was a slight argument between Fool and Kingclown about carrying Vilemime and just letting him stay tied up; not arguing about untying him, but about who carries him…

While entering the gate one after the other. (Chloe:)”Don’t break anything and what is your business here?” Kingclown who has returned to his cool nonchalant attitude responds.
(Kingclown:)”We are here not here to cause damage to your property, we are here to kidnap people.” He casually answers as he passes by her and she trembles like a frightened bunny.
(Fool:)”Don’t worry, we got a list; we won’t accidentally take the wrong people.” Fool comforts her in the dumbest way possible, waving a shopping list they wrote.
A shopping list containing names and info on people who they are gonna pick up. Like going grocery shopping but for people… that sounds wrong.
Enchantress walks by and comforts her properly. (Enchantress:)”You are not on the list, none of what you love is on the list or in danger; I can feel so with my future sight.”
Chloe looks at Enchantress, this beautiful woman; probably the strongest of the clown-troupe, the smartest and most capable person in the clown-troupe.
Supposedly she can see the future, kind of like Nightknight; Nightknight being one of the few people Enchantress respects.

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