Thursday 11th of November, the next day after the fiasco at Fourth park.

At school the next day, everybody are in their seats in miss Jones’s math class; the gang is having a telepathic conversation and Chad is the server.
(Charlotte:)”So Jessica was complaining about cops and what happened yesterday, but I don’t understand why Nyarai was not the one to handle it… why did I do it?”
(Chad:)”Nyarai is more than capable of beating up you and Selina together, but she is very ignorant of what it means being a child in the modern world.
She needs to be able to pretend to be normal and that is the hardest thing for her currently, doing heroics on top of that would make it even more difficult.”
(David:)”I also agreed to this plan, we can handle the heroics without her; she can join when she is better at pretending to be normal.”
(Nyarai:)”Thanks boys for caring, it really is a magical time.” (Selina:)”Is it not detrimental for her to pretend to be normal when she spends so much time with Chad?”
(David:)”Yes-” (Chad:)”WTF bro!?” (David:)”-but she might be able to handle it; she has an incredibly strong willpower and stability of mind.”
(Charlotte:)”OK, also how much stronger is she than me and Selina?” (Chad:)”…She is as strong as what me and David was two-ish years ago, so much stronger.”
(Nyarai:)”But I am almost five hundred years old so.” (David:)”But you are gonna grow much quicker out of the dungeon and next to us.”
It is strange to think about how old she is or that Chad has known her longer than he knew David, or that she looked just the same when Chad was 6 and also in the dungeons…

The class continues until miss Jones feels that everybody has a basic grasp of what she was teaching so she goes over to giving updates at the end of class.
(ms.Jones:)”So I got a text from Alexander-” The class goes wild and miss Jones quickly calms them down. (ms.Jones:)”Not… that.”
The class simmer down a little. (ms.Jones:)”He sent me an update on Fredrick Garp, also stating “for when you want to update your students on current affairs”.”
The class looks confused. (Jessica:)”Have you ever told him about that, do you even text him?” Miss Jones has a weird look, but regains her calm quickly.
(ms.Jones:)”I have not told him… but somehow he knows; I am guessing that Chad might have told him?” The class looks over at Chad, who was not prepared for this.
(Chad:)”Um… yes.” Taking a bullet for Alexander and not saying that Alexander just knows stuff from out of nowhere and instead taking the blame himself.
The rest of the group are laughing in the telepathic link; Alexander somehow always makes Chad and David embarrassed about things, there are few people who can do that.
(ms.Jones:)”OK, so the update is about: A psychologist has assessed Fredrick’s mental state and they are moving in the right direction.
Also I quote:”Fredrick is a child, I think children should be better taken care of; even though the kids in your class probably consider themselves young adults.
I want to give Fredrick a chance to live again, he seemed quite worried and insecure about everything that has happened or will happen.
But he was grateful for my effort in protecting him. Even though I don’t think you or your class will spend anytime with him, I want you to know how it goes.
So that if ever another kid maybe even in your class goes through this, they can be treated well and stay safe. Also Chad is still in a little trouble, but I am handling it”.”
Miss Jones looks out over the students and looks at Chad a little and so does many others. (ms.Jones:)”I don’t think I am getting over this crush.”
(Jessica:)”Go for it, try to text him; you won’t know until you try, he is worth a try.” (Chloe:)”Yeah, you miss all the shots that you don’t take.”
(ms.Jones:)”Somehow it went from “here is an update” to “let’s talk about my romantic life”. This will rest… to maybe after.” Miss Jones is resigned to her fate.
(Jessica:)”Don’t chicken out of this one.” (ms.Jones:)”Let me get done with updating you guys first and then I will let you tear into me, OK?”
Jessica nods and so does the rest of class, the update continues about “Kyle’s father and his expected sentence” “Parents of other classes are in trouble” and so on…

In the police headquarters of Farlong state in Farthest county, the main police station of Farlong and a different jurisdiction than the one Alexander works in.
A deputy chief and many commanders are currently talking to Alexander about doing PR for the police, so save some reputation from the fiasco at Fourth park.
(Alexander:)”I refuse!” (commander nr1:)”You do not speak to a superior officer that way!” (commander nr2:)”This is not a request, this is an order.”
(Alexander:)”Then fire me!” The room goes quiet. (commander nr3:)”We won’t go that far, you might get demoted and a pay cut though.”
(deputy chief:)”Or maybe not, we have overlooked your fights with other officers. We would like for you to be a public figure for the police and a rank plus pay that reflects that”
Alexander goes quiet and the room goes silent, he slowly says. (Alexander:)”I refuse.” (commander nr1:)”Why?”
(Alexander:)”I am trusted for my morals, this is not acceptable for me. If you want to burn the bridge between us and them, go ahead and just fire me!”
Alexander starts of slowly pulling them in before ending it in a yell of anger at the idiots wanting to profit off of him.
These superiors don’t care about the people, they just want to keep their jobs and maybe rise up; they do not go out and help the common people.
In conclusion the meeting went really badly, Alexander definitely did not make good impression on his superior’s superior’s superiors(three ranks up).
This friction between him and them might cost him his job, though they probably don’t dare do that as Nightknight considers Alexander THE officer to communicate with.
He will probably get demoted and a pay cut though, but that is fine; Alexander was never a cop for the money or prestige.

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