Two suspicious figures enter the Tomhall mall, AKA suspicious figure nr1 and nr2… so mysterious…
They walk in the Tomhall mall and the people notice and… take a couple steps to the side, but mostly ignore their presence.
Like taking two steps to the left would save you from these… suspicious figures!…. it might actually.
(Suspicious figure nr2:)”Hey Joker, what is happening?” And suspicious figure nr1 trembles, in rage and maybe a little shame…
(Suspicious figure nr1:)”Don’t say my name, we are suspicious figures!” (Suspicious figure nr1:)”Is that the story line in your head?”
Suspicious figure nr1 goes quiet in even more shame… (Suspicious figure nr1:)”You know you are really cramping the clown-troupe style.”
(Suspicious figure nr2:)”But making a fool out of you is perfectly in style… wait that is my name, don’t be a fool!”
They awkwardly stare at each other… (Joker:)”OK, I take it back you fit perfectly for our stupidity… do you always make a fool out of yourself?”
(Fool:)”Yes and sometimes I make you aware of your own stupidity, which would be you making a fool out of yourself.” Joker nods, that makes sense.
Joker with her pale as snow white skin, today it seems her hair is bright neon pink and set up in cute twintails… her hair color changes randomly.
She is wearing a pink tanktop with “scars”, that are actually just sown on red cloth onto the tank top which makes it look oddly cool.
Wearing a ripped green skirt and under are her pants, which are simple ripped jeans, this girl looks incredibly attractive… And Fool is next to her, but nobody cares about him right?
…OK… The “Fool” is dressed in a black tight fitting long sleeved shirt and yellow leather pants with dragon scale motifs going down his legs.
He can kind of be considered hot? and oh… almost forgot the mask. The mask is pure white with some simple black lines that form a mischievous smiling face.
But somehow the face looks less mischievous and more worried about something… but maybe I just remember wrong, well well, nothing to worry about.
Joker and Fool are walking down the hall, one is about to make a pun but the other stumbles and makes a fool out himself… Damn him!
Fool quickly gets back onto his feet. (Joker:)”Are you falling for me?” She makes some exaggerated motions trying to keep herself from laughing from her own jokes.
But she is just making her explosive chest even more obvious. (Fool:)”Um… yeah. I don’t think I would ever fall unless there is someone around to see… weirdly enough.”
(Joker:)”…That almost sounds like a super version of social anxiety; do you need help? If laughing helps, then I am here for you all night!”
(Fool:)”…That sounds misleading.-” But before Joker can explain or make the misunderstanding bigger. “But sorry, I have things to do tomorrow, can’t be exercising too much tonight.”
(Joker:)”…Not like I was actually planning to- but you really are a fool…” She sighs, this dude could have been getting so much more “attention” if he did not “reject” her?…
Wait what the frick am I thinking and why am I doing it like I am story telling about this entire thing Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Which just oddly sounds more like a moan than a scream.
Joker, a train wreck of jokes and sexual innuendoes; Fool, an idiot not knowing what he lost… which is oddly appropriate.
While Joker and Fool are chatting about things, breaking things; people are not really avoiding them like other super villains.
The clown-troupe kind of just does property damage, which Nightknight will fix with magic and they don’t really do much more than be a bother to people…
So Joker is currently just shop lifting and stealing, arguing a little with random people about things.
Fool made a couple snide remarks, which oddly enough did not land properly and Joker felt hit instead; this dude is just failing royally at being evil…
(Fool:)”Weird that as supervillains, Nightknight just does not care about us…” Joker hides her face in embarrassment for even thinking they were considered evil.
Joker and Fool walk into Diamond veil boutique and spot the popular girls of Chad’s class; Fool nods at the group and just follows Joker, who is mesmerized by some top.
(Joker:)”This sweater is like the one worn by Karina Crimson, she makes conservative clothes look like what prostitutes would wear!”
She exitedly picks it off the rack, the popular girls glance oddly between Joker, Selina and Jessica. Selina blushes and Jessica feels ashamed in many, many ways.
The group having of course noticed Joker and Fool long ago, but was just watching them terrorize the shops on the lower floor, but now they are right in front of them.
With a poof a heavily cloaked individual… suspicious figure arrives next to Joker and Fool. (Trickster:)”Run for your lives!” She says before poofing out.
Nightknight arrives in a strangely metallic sounding poof. poof being Joker’s way of saying teleport…
Nightknight is holding Trickster by the back of her cloak, like a misbehaving kitten; he just stares at Joker and Fool in annoyance… and sighs…
Throwing Trickster into a portal after sealing her “abilities”, he casually grabs Joker and tosses her into as well. (Joker:)”This is too rough, be gentler!”
Somehow moaning ecstatically when thrown. Nightknight stares at Fool. (Fool:)”Are you the taxi service?” Fool is thrown in full force through space shattering it like glass…
Nightknight mumbles about at least they are not killing people with their powers… sighing another time.