Continuing to investigate the dungeons.

Walking away from Calix’s cell they find the next cell which says: Nyarai Tendai’s cell.
Standing outside the cell looking in, they see a small super cute black girl; maybe about twelve years old, slightly younger than Chad and his friends.
Noticing their arrival. (Nyarai:)”Greetings Chad, what has brought you and your friends to my humble abode?”
(Chad:)”I think it about time that you were set free into the world, to run and hunt like you were meant to.” He says gloriously and Nyarai frowns.
His friends think:”Did Chad just insult her, is this racist?” Not knowing what Nyarai is, or who Nyarai is, they overthink about modern issues forgetting where they are.
(Nyarai:)”But I don’t want to be free, I want safety. My tribe mates imprisoned in this dungeon are here unwillingly while I am not, they hate me and consider me an enemy.”
(Chad:)”I thought you disliked this place, wanting to run around and stuff.” He seems confused about her intentions and might have misunderstood her feelings.
(Nyarai:)”No, I am here so I don’t need to fight my own family. They think I betrayed them and even after hundreds of years I think they still want to catch me.”
(Chad:)”That is silly, you’re too strong to care about some little tribe. See the new world, learn of the modern age and if you feel unsafe I will shape the world into a better place.”
He smiles at her and she smiles back. (Nyarai:)”If you were a couple hundred years older I might have fallen for you.” He opens her cell holding her hand and walking her out.
Selina and David are confused by the “flirting”. (Selina:)”Nyarai how old are you?” (Nyarai:)”I was born during the sixteenth century, so fifteen and some number(1532).”
Nyarai being slightly younger than five hundred. (David:)”Nyarai what are you?” (Nyarai:)”I am a female human from the ultimate lion tribe.”
David looks confused while Selina sweats. (Selina:)”So you… are like an ancestor to humanity and fated to become queen?” Nyarai nods as the “obvious” answer.

They walk over to the next cell alongside Nyarai which says: Cynthia Twist’s cell.
Chad quickly enters the cell that looks like a library/study/bedroom and pulls Cynthia out of her bed.
(Cynthia:)”Chad stop, an hour more. I’ll leh yuh-” She mumbles as he carries her out of the room and sets her on top of a table that comes to life and runs away with Cynthia.
David and Selina not expecting this stare wide eyed at the animated table running wildly away, almost dropping Cynthia multiple times.
(Chad:)”That was my senior, the other apprentice to Oswald. She likes to sleep in the dungeon… she has issues.”

Ignoring the strange people around Chad, the inmates that want to stay and criminals that need to stay.
They continue down the dungeon and come across another two cells that say: Melinda Black & Zolda Black.
(Melinda:)”Selina! How the fuck did you get here! Did you also get captured?” (Zolda:)”Is this another of our family members?” (Melinda:)”Yes.”
Selina looks dumbfounded before turning towards Chad, upset and with a questioning expression.
Chad stays silent, so Selina looks over at David and they exchange a look, before she turns towards her family members.
The one she knows is an aunt that has been missing for a couple years, the other is the long time missing grandaunt, that she has never met.
(Selina:)”Why are you guys locked up here?” (Melinda:)”I was looking for Minerva, wanting to free her but I got captured instead and tortured by the insane evil wizard.”
Selina looks over to Chad who is shaking his head, motioning for Melinda to be lying and Zolda notices but keeps quiet.
(Zolda:)”I also came for Minerva, Selina dear; how did you get to know the young master Wells?” Melinda freezes at the mention of Wells, looking over at the boys next to Selina.
Selina turns towards Chad. (Chad:)”They are here for breaking in and trying to steal Minerva’s things. Plus some other crimes like human sacrifice and such…”
Selina motions for Chad, David and Nyarai to step away before a LOUD argument starts behind them.
Screaming while arguing, crying, growling, hissing and other unpleasant noises follow from down the dungeon halls.

(Nyarai:)”Fighting your own family is really a terrible fate.” David looks over and she looks back, staring at each other.
(Nyarai:)”What confuses you?” (David:)”You, you confuse me. You are wise.” Chad facepalms in the corner.
(Nyarai:)”I am much older than you, being this wise is not much. I have not been educated as properly as Chad over here, but I have experienced much more time.”
Comparing her education to Chad, David almost loses his cool by the way she mentions Chad’s education.
Chad is not a good example of good education and if she thinks so… she really has not experienced real education.
Turning towards Chad. (David:)”When she gets used to modern life, get her into our school, let her experience getting an education.”
(Chad:)”Sure, but she is like two years younger than us physically and hundreds of years older mentally, I think we can lie and say she is fourteen like us.
But Teaching a beast like her about the modern age is gonna be difficult… and awesome.” He smiles having considered having her go to school with them.

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