In between classes.

Selina rejoins her own friend group, where she has to deal with Jessica being annoying.
(Jessica:)”Not like I was wrong in my assumption, I just miscalculated who would be locked up.”
Turning her argument so that she seems even a little correct, even though she was wrong with who was in trouble: Fredrick instead of Kyle.
(Selena:)”Mistaking someone else’s crimes on someone, is such a shit move; Kyle was unjustly villainized by you.”
Kyle pipes up from the side. (Kyle:)”Yeah, don’t be such a bitch Jessica.” Simon responds before Jessica gets the chance, trying to “protect” her.
(Simon:)”Your father is still a criminal that will ruin your entire family, you might not even afford to continue going to school.”
(Jessica:)”Yeah, don’t be such a dickless coward, needing Selina to stand up for you.”
Having turned the situation into one where if Selina talk up for him it will shame him, Jessica feels like she has silenced Selina.
Selina glances at Kyle who has a constipated facial expression, knowing that she can’t stand up for him anymore, not like that really matters to her.

(Selina:)”Fuck as if I care, I care about you not causing trouble. Stop being such a mega bitch, stop scaring the rest of the class unnecessarily.”
She peeks over at Chad and David hugging with an awkward Charlotte at the side, before Charlotte gets sandwiched in between the two of them in one big warm hug.
Sad that her friends are not as lovely as them, not as cutely silly, not as nice; her friends are narcissistic douchebags most of the time.

(Jessica:)”Why do you always have to target me, can’t you go and punch some thugs in a back alley. Stop destroying the fun.”
Selina looking back at her own friend group which would actually want to spend time with this mega bitch, she sighs.
(Selina:)”OK, I have had enough of your toxicity, gonna spend some time with Chad instead.”
Chad being the only good excuse for hanging out with those two, as he more closely resemble her own extroverted lifestyle; using David as the excuse would not work well.
She walks off towards the trio in the corner hugging, slightly smiling at them.

And with the nicest most gentle voice she is able to make, like a mother coaxing her child.
(Selina:)”Charlotte can I borrow your two boyfriends for today? They have spent almost every day after school lately at your place.”
Selina smiles very gently and Charlotte seems stunned at first before she nods and then she blushes.
(Charlotte:)”They are not my boyfriends and you can take them for today, I would like them back tomorrow with all their pieces still attached… please.”
(Selina:)”Thanks, David will be completely fine, Chad might be fine…” She pats Charlotte on the head being a little taller than her and finding her very cute.
(Chad:)”Wait, why do you think you can just take me away or give me away at your whim?” This upset Chad.
(Selina:)”I will pay for snacks.” And in no time at all. (Chad:)”You have me for life.” He responds at lightning speed.
David having expected this stays silent until he is looked at by Selina.
(David:)”I want to see you in pain.” Charlotte looks in shock at his insane response.
Selina trembles. (Selina:)”Fine, I will do Chads homework…” There is no way that he would want her to do his homework, so making her do Chads homework is just a way to mess with her.
Charlotte seems relieved to know it was not something even more absurd, like they had some strange BDSM thing together or something…
Chad and David do a fist bump. Selina is getting her hugs no matter the costs, she really needs it nowadays.

(Charlotte:)”What do you guys do together with Selina? I have always wondered.”
They all consider the many excuses that they could make, but Chad is too quick.
(Chad:)”Me and Selina go and beat up thugs because we are very athletic, but we easily get in trouble so we need David to be planning for us.”
David and Selina watch on stupefied, Charlotte nods accepting this excuse as something stupid Chad definitely would do with Selina.
Somehow she accepted the worst excuse ever, why not just say we are superheroes, they think to themselves.
The school day ends and Selina leaves with Chad and David, she is gonna get her hug no matter what.

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